Thursday 6 November 2014

Everything's changing

I've made a bold change in my life recently; I've quit my job! I've mentioned before the struggles about finding the right job to suit you and your career ( and my job's inflexibility and am pleased to announce that I've quit! It was a great way to earn money whilst things were very quiet on the audition front, but now things in my life are moving on I've been able to give it the boot too.

I had wanted to leave for a while, but hadn't been able to as I didn't have anything else lined up, but I'm pleased to announce that I'm going to be starting a new job that hopefully will provide me with what I need from a resting job. I'll keep you posted about this, and give you more information once I've worked for them for a bit, but needless to say I'm very excited!

Also I sent off the first of my applications, to RAM. This is probably the school that I'm most intimidated by, but I'm hopeful that my application was strong and that I'll be able to show my potential should they audition me. Found out I've got an audition since I started writing this post- so if you're reading this and wondering about applying to RAM be aware that they are quite prompt!

I'm currently prepping the 3 songs and 1 monologue that are required for my RAM audition. I'll let you know what they are in a future post on the off chance that someone from RAM is reading this! In the mean time I am singing like crazy, taking ballet classes like it's going out of fashion and single handedly keeping the honey industry in business. 

So that's me for now, hope you're all way! Best of luck to those of you auditioning in the next few months! 

Yours faithfully,
The post-grad app

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